Top 10k strings from Escape from Colditz (1982)(Martin Malley).tzx
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2 O$="SOUTH" 2 O$="PASS CARD" 2 O$="GUARD" 2 O$="DOCUMENT" 2 );" here.": 2 ''"You don't have a ";O$: 2 "PASS CARD" 2 "A ";N$(K) 1 There is no point in reading it.It is written in German.": 1 The APPEL section of the prisoner's courtyard. The prisoner's courtyard. There is a manhole cover by the wall. The prisoner's courtyard. The prisoner's courtyard. The guardhouse. The roadway out to the gatehouse The gatehouse. The guardhouse cupboard. The exercise yard.Barbed wire fences prevent escape here, however there is a manhole coveron the floor.The chapel. 1 O$="NORTH" 1 O$="DOWN") 1 O$="CUPBOARD" 1 O$="BUTTON" 1 N$(A),N(A): 1 MAP LADDER KEY KNIFE DOCUMENT BUTTON ROPE WIRE COMPASS UNIFORM PARCEL MEAL GUARD GUARD PASS CARDTAG WALL 1 LC=D(LC,X) 1 GO GET DROP OPEN CUT HIT SHOW SAY READ INVENTLOOK 1 DER BEUTELMAUS 1 COLDITZ 1 C$="CUT WIRE" 1 B$=B$+C$(K): 1 B$="PRESS" 1 B$="INVENT" 1 ;" PLEASE WAIT A MOMENT " 1 ;" ESCAPE FROM COLDITZ " 1 ,"WIRE",27 1 ,"UNIFORM",34 1 ,"ROPE",27 1 ,"PASS CARD",20 1 ,"PARCEL",15 1 ,"MEAL",99 1 ,"LADDER",22 1 ,"KNIFE",41 1 ,"GUARD",7 1 ,"GUARD",5 1 ,"DOCUMENT",13 1 ,"BUTTON",12 1 (O$="NORTH" 1 ''''"THIS PROGRAM IS COPYRIGHT 1982 OF MARTIN MALLEY" 1 '''"YOU ARE CARRYING :-" 1 ''"You'll need a key to get throughthat door !": 1 ''"You'll have to leave the ";N$(2 1 ''"You need a knife !!": 1 ''"You haven't got a knife !": 1 ''"You don't have a tag !": 1 ''"You don't have a map !": 1 ''"YOU'RE NOT CARRYING IT !!": 1 ''"YOU'RE ALREADY CARRYING IT !!": 1 ''"YOU NO LONGER HAVE A PERSONAL CIVILIAN ESCAPE KIT !!": 1 ''"YOU HAVE NOW GOT YOUR PERSONAL CIVILIAN ESCAPE KIT !!" 1 ''"YOU CAN'T CARRY ANY MORE THINGS (Perhaps you could drop something !?)": 1 ''"Which button ? - there are two,"'"a red one,"'"and a blue one.": 1 ''"What's the point of cutting your";O$;" ?": 1 ''"What's the point in doing that ?": 1 ''"WHAT SHALL I DO ?": 1 ''"WHAT PARCEL ???": 1 ''"This is a very simple adventure,there are no treasures to be found,points to be scored or whatever." 1 ''"The cupboard won't's locked !": 1 ''"THERE'S A MEAL IN IT !!" 1 ''"THE GUARD ON DUTY STOPS YOU !!!"'"He says, ~Vot eez your identification~": 1 ''"O.K.,you may pass through.": 1 ''"O.K. SO WHAT !!!": 1 ''"It says 'DER BEUTELMAS' !": 1 ''"IT IS FIXED TO THE DESK !!": 1 ''"I don't know how to read a"'O$: 1 ''"Do you wish to attend ? (Y/N)": 1 ''"DON'T BE STUPID !!": 1 ''"DON'T BE RIDICULOUS !!!": 1 '"THERE ISN'T ONE HERE !!": 1 "You'll need a rope to get down there !!": 1 "You'll need a ladder to get up there !": 1 "You'll have to leave the ";N$(10 1 "You are at "'P$(LC) 1 "YOU CAN'T ATTEMPT AN ESCAPE HEREYOU HAVEN'T GOT AN ESCAPE KIT !!": 1 "YIPES !!! ALARM BELLS ARE RING- ING THROUGHOUT THE PRISON !!!!!!": 1 "WOULD YOU LIKE AN INTRODUCTION ?";A$ 1 "This consists of :- (1) A compass."'"(2) A document."'"(3) A map."'"(4) A uniform."'"(5) A meal." 1 "There isn't a locked door here !": 1 "The vestry.The eastern wall is oak-panelled.",16 1 "The top of a flight of secret stone stairs.",18 1 "The theatre.",23 1 "The theatre.",2 1 "The stage.",21 1 "The sick-bay.",3 1 "The shower room.",26 1 "The senior officer's quarters.",33 1 "The roadway out to the gatehouse",7 1 "The prisoner's courtyard.",4 1 "The prisoner's courtyard.",11 1 "The prisoner's courtyard. There is a manhole cover by the wall.",1 1 "The parcels office.",15 1 "The orderly's quarters.",30 1 "The officer's quarters.",29 1 "The officer's mess.",35 1 "The laundry.",34 1 "The landing of a spiral staircase.",32 1 "The interrogation room. There is a desk here.",12 1 "The guardhouse.",6 1 "The guardhouse cupboard.",8 1 "The gatehouse.",43 1 "The gamble paid off.You got awaywith it.": 1 "The filing room.There is a filing cabinet against the wall.",13 1 "The exercise yard.Barbed wire fences prevent escape here, however there is a manhole coveron the floor.",9 1 "The end of the tunnel. A rung ladder leads upwards.",39 1 "The end of the pipe. Above,there is an iron barred grill.",42 1 "The end of a sewer pipe.",40 1 "The dentist's surgery.",20 1 "The chapel.",10 1 "The canteen.",35 1 "The canteen kitchen.A cupboard is on the wall.",14 1 "The camp commander's office.",11 1 "The APPEL section of the prisoner's courtyard.",5 1 "Some of the commands available are :-"'"GO,GET,DROP,LOOK,OPEN,SAY,INVENT..... etc." 1 "SUDDENLY...a searchlight glares you full in the face !!!": 1 "SUDDENLY...a guard steps out in front of you !!!"''"He says ~Vot eez zee passvord ?~": 1 "SHOW PASS CARD" 1 "SHOW CARD" 1 "O.K. it's open.": 1 "O.K. ";O$: 1 "Nothing.You may go free.": 1 "NOTHING." 1 "I wouldn't do that - you might bruise your hand !": 1 "I don't know what a ";O$;" is !!": 1 "I don't know how to open a ";O$: 1 "I don't know how to do that.": 1 "He finds :-": 1 "GO","GET","DROP","OPEN","CUT","HIT","SHOW","SAY","READ","INVENT","LOOK" 1 "DOCUMENT" 1 "CUPBOARD" 1 "COMPASS",35 1 "Beware of searchlights,guards and when an >APPEL< is sounded, it is advisable to attend." 1 "BUT HE MANAGES TO MAKE IT TO THEALARM BUTTON.": 1 "Around you there is :-" 1 "An outside storage shed.",17 1 "An electric barbed wire fence prevents escape here !!": 1 "An alcove in the tunnel.",38 1 "All you have to do is escape. Before you can begin an escape attempt,you must collect a personal civilian escape kit." 1 "AAAAAAAAARRRGGHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!"'"10,000 volts have just run through you,converting you into a frazzle !!"''"F R Y I N G T O N I G H T ! !": 1 "A stone walled tunnel. It's pitch black.",38 1 "A spiral staircase landing.",14 1 "A secret panel in the west wall swings aside.": 1 "A rooftop.",43 1 "A locked door bars the way west.": 1 "A locked door bars the way south": 1 "A locked door bars the way north": 1 "A locked door bars the way east.": 1 "A junction in the sewer pipe.",40 1 "A false oak panel slides back toreveal - a secret stone passage!": 1 "A dressing room.A trap door is in the ceiling.",21 1 "A disused storeroom.A thick wireruns along one wall.",28 1 "A blank stone wall bars the way west.": 1 "A bathroom.",32 1 "A SEARCH-LIGHT GLARES YOU FULL IN THE FACE !!!!!": 1 "A ";N$(K): 1 " U H H ! ! !"'" The guard is dying .....": 1 " C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S "'''"You have escaped from the castlesuccesfully ! ! ! ! ! !" 1 " == << ESCAPE FROM COLDITZ >> =="''" AN ADVENTURE" 1 " < < H A N D E H O C H !! > > "'''"A ring of German guards are pointing their machine guns at you !!"''"You have been found guilty of trying to escape,and will be shot at dawn ! ! ! ! ! !" 1 " A guard appears and searches you ...." 1 " <<<<<< A P P E L L >>>>>> "